Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I finished that first scarf, did another one (2-hour pattern) in 4 days (red Homespun), and am making good progress on a cotton washcloth.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Knitting Progress

My scarf is up to about 41 inches so far. I knit during TV shows in the evening. I've also started a washcloth with mercerized cotton. I have some thread that's like a lace-weight yarn that I want to knit into a filmy, loose shawl. It's something I found in a bargain bin years ago while looking for fly tying materials. I also have an idea for my next scarf. Nuff said.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Drawings

I've been adding some new drawings, such as the one above, to my Flickr account.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Last week, I was able to upload data for the Public Hunt Drawing system search function on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. This morning, I finished up 9 pages on the provisions of the new Farm Bill. The old pages were poorly formatted and not very accessible, so I updated the format and added headings for sightless navigation.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I've been doing a little knitting. Got about 5 rows so far. Some of my first stitches aren't very even, and I think some of them split the yarn.

Monday, June 30, 2008

How to get started?

I just can't seem to keep any momentum at all in this blog. Part of that comes from not having a burning issue that I want to hammer on all the time. When I have the opportunity to sit down and write out an entry, I'm usually at work, and I feel guilty for doing it, even on my break. Then when I have the perfect time to do it and really feel like it, I either don't have a computer available or no Internet connection. I look around at my friends and my daughter, and their blogging at least several times a week. They're also on Ravelry and other venues.

I think from now on I'll treat this as a letter to my friends.

I'll try to upload more pictures. I have lots of good ones that I just haven't resized and uploaded to Flickr. I've been taking some baby steps into the craft of knitting.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Poison Ivy

I recently found out what poison ivy looks like, and this is it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Getting the Family Outdoors

If you're anywhere near Austin or Kyle, Texas, here is an interesting event for your family, especially if you have young children. Outdoor Family Event. Getting your kids connected with nature is a cure for all sorts of ills, and produces more balanced, well-rounded individuals. Give it a try!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Idyllic Scene

This is one of my favorite watercolor sketches. I've done copies of it several times, no two of which ever come out the same.