Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday in Austin

I'm spending the day bumming around Austin, Texas. I have been at The Knitting Nest for about an hour, knitting with the regular Saturday crowd. Next, I'm going to an open house at one or two of Austin's new train stations (light rail).

The trip up to MLK, Jr. and Airport was nice. There are some really nice neighborhoods in Austin along the Pleasant Valley Blvd. corridor.

The plan was to do some more editing at the two train stations, but instead I spent the time talking to folks, taking pictures, and asking questions. It was very exciting. I finished up at the Crestview Station, Airport and N. Lamar, at 2:00, then drove out to Pflugerville, where my daughter's family lives.

We ate pizza at Conan's, then I started home at about 5:30.

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