Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, Feb. 23 Dedication Ed Werland Room

Cindy Werland, son-in-law Louis, and daughter Vanessa

Monday, February 23rd, was Frankie's and my 39th wedding anniversary. It was also the day the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department named and dedicated a training room to the memory of Ed Werland. (Photo: Cindy Werland, son-in-law Louis, and daughter Vanessa)

The party was well attended, and everyone had a great time.
(Photo: Julia visits with Richard Roberts)
(Photo: Frankie visits with Carol Ann and Bobby Werland)

We carpooled over to the building at Airport Commerce Park. Frankie and I took Julia Gregory, Dyanne Cortez, and Karen Pianka.

Monday, February 23, 2009


We had fun on Feb. 14-16. First, there was the Texas Loves Ravelry pary at The Knitting Nest in Austin. Frankie and I met Marguerite and Geoff, Julia, and Julia's neighbor Anna. We all had lunch at The Texas Roadhouse. Mmmmmm steaks. After that, we picked up Emily at her dance class.

On the way back to Lockhart, we stopped at the Airport Pulga, and Emily got to see some chickens, rabbits, pigeons, burros, etc.

Back home, we had bike-riding lessons. My brother-in-law, Paul, had found some bikes in a thrift shop for $5 each, and one was just Emily's size, so I adjusted the handlebar and seat for her, and we took turns pushing her around the yard. Then we discovered a ramp off the driveway, and she could get a start off that and head (slightly) downhill. She got to going about 30 yards at a stretch. We had another old bike (a Walmart special, got free), which I adjusted and sprayed with WD-40, and we took turns riding that one along with her.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday in Austin

I'm spending the day bumming around Austin, Texas. I have been at The Knitting Nest for about an hour, knitting with the regular Saturday crowd. Next, I'm going to an open house at one or two of Austin's new train stations (light rail).

The trip up to MLK, Jr. and Airport was nice. There are some really nice neighborhoods in Austin along the Pleasant Valley Blvd. corridor.

The plan was to do some more editing at the two train stations, but instead I spent the time talking to folks, taking pictures, and asking questions. It was very exciting. I finished up at the Crestview Station, Airport and N. Lamar, at 2:00, then drove out to Pflugerville, where my daughter's family lives.

We ate pizza at Conan's, then I started home at about 5:30.